Fresh water tropical fish
Live bearers - Guppy (more than 25 different color varieties), Platy, Molly, Swordtails - more than 10 color varieties of each specie
Angels - more than 25 different color varieties of scalars including black velvet, full red, sunset, white crystal and 2 varieties of dantum angels regular & albino
Barbs - 5 different species
Catfish - ancistrus, plecostomus, farlowella, sturisoma, synodontis, various L numbers catfish
Cichlids - Many species including Tanganyikan, Malawi & American cichlids, Apistogrammas, Ramirezis
Danio - various species and colors
Discus - by colors or in assorted according to several quality grades
Labyrinth fish - more than 10 different species
Ramirezi - 6 different colors including Black ramirezi from their original breeder Shahar Danziger of Danziger discus farm
Tetras – black widow, cardinal, neon, rummy nose, silver dollar and others
Shrimps – black royal, cardinal, crystal red, crystal black, green, red rili, red cherry, red fire, royal blue, sakura red, yellow & Japonica
Marine fish
Clown fish - False percula, Tomato, Clatkii, Percula, Pink skunk, White stripe maroon, Gold stripe maroon,
wyoming white, black ice, snowflake etc.
Dotty backs - Fridmanni, Indigo, Springeri
Blue Gobby
Coldwater fish
Gold fish grown in outdoor ponds - red, yellow, shubunkin (regular, yellow/black and bristol) & sarasa comets.
Fantails & Orandas grown in closed biosecure facilities - black moor, calico, red, red & white, ranchu, rayukin, red cap, yellow cap etc.
Koi - grown in both indoor and outdoor facilities sold by quality grades or by color with regular fins and/or long fins (butterfly).
Indoor Koi are bred and grown in clsoed biosecured KHV free certified facilities.
Outdoor Koi are grown in outside ponds and are vaccinated against KHV.